Jointly with the RCR, BSGAR have established a RCR/BSGAR Travelling Professorship to highlight the role of gastrointestinal and abdominal radiology in the UK, to encourage best practice, and promote the subspecialty.
The Halligan RCR / BSGAR Travelling Professorship 2024/26
This Travelling Professorship is jointly funded by the RCR and BSGAR to highlight the role of Abdominal radiology within the UK.
The travelling professor will be expected to undertake 6-10 visits to training programmes, over a period of 24 months, to deliver lectures and undertake appropriate workshops or small group teaching as part of each visit.
The purpose of the visits is educational: to raise the profile of Abdominal Imaging amongst trainees, to highlight the rewards of a career in Abdominal Imaging, and to foster high quality practise throughout the UK. Applications are invited from experienced GI/HPB radiologists who can provide valuable insights into day-to-day subspecialty practice as well as those who have a particular field of expertise or academic research.
The successful candidate will work with the BSGAR Standards and Education Officers to support appropriate selection of sites, maximising effectiveness of visits and to ensure sites across the UK are appropriately represented.
At the end of the professorship, the successful candidate will be required to deliver a lecture at the next BSGAR annual meeting.
Up to £5,000 (travel/accommodation/spent overheads/recordings generated)
The professorship is open to Abdominal radiologists who are Fellows of the RCR and members of BSGAR in good standing, that are resident in the United Kingdom and in active clinical practice at the time of the application and the award/visits.
To apply:
Candidates should submit the application form with attachments as appropriate. Applications from a single applicant are preferred but a joint application by 2 radiologists would also be considered.
An Appointments Board of the British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiologists Committee will consider applications and appoint the Halligan BSGAR/RCR Travelling Professor. The decision of the Appointments Board is final and binding, applicants will be informed of the outcome as soon as possible after the decision has been approved.
Applications should be sent to no later than
09:00hrs Friday 30th August 2024.