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Announcement. BSGAR President Elect from February 2025

"On behalf of the BSGAR Executive Committee I am delighted to announce that Dr Raneem Albazaz has agreed to become our President Elect from February 2025.  She will begin her 2-year term as President in February 2026. This is great news for the Society.  Dr Albazaz is a consultant radiologist in Leeds and has a special clinical interest in HPB imaging as well as a passion for teaching and research. She will be known to many of you from her many excellent and inspiring talks to the Society over the years, as well as her lectures to allied professional societies in the UK and Europe.  Recently she served the Society very effectively as Secretary from 2019 to 2023. I am very much looking forward to working with her again on the BSGAR Executive Committee, bringing her calm competence and effective leadership to the group. I look forward to seeing you all at the virtual BSGAR Annual Meeting in February 2025 - look at the programme, it’s great!, and registration is open now
Ian Zealley, BSGAR President

BSGAR 2025 ANNUAL MEETING 6-7th February 2025.

This is a virtual meeting and content will also be available post event.  Click here for the programme. Click here to register and for more information.

FREE 1-day advance ultrasound course - HCC Surveillance.

BSGAR members have exclusive booking priority for 1 week prior to wider advertisement. First Come, First Serve. Click here for more information.

BSGAR 2025 - Inviting Scientific Session Submissions

Top 10, Top 30, 3 prizes and lots of opportunities. To find out more, click here.

BSGAR Virtual Registrar Study Day 2024 - Tuesday 12th November - REGISTRATION NOW OPEN!

Click here for more info.

BSGAR Charity Status - announcement

BSGAR is now a registered charity recognised for pre-eminence in education. Our responsibility as a charity is to deliver public benefit through the objects of our charity which are;

To relieve sickness, to protect and preserve the health of the public, and to advance education and research into the care of patients with abdominal disease by:
a.      Improving the practice and development of gastrointestinal and abdominal radiology
b.     The education and training of radiologists and other medical professionals in gastrointestinal and abdominal radiology
c.      Providing a forum for imaging, intervention and research ensuring the useful results of any research are disseminated to the public

There are practical advantages to our Society also, in terms of tax concessions, access to charitable funding and grants for our activities, the ability to employ support staff, and greater convenience and financial freedom in our banking and transactions.

There is still a lot of work to do as we transition from sole trader to charity. Our committee along with our new trustees will be steering this. The new trust board members will be well known to many of you:-

Chair, Dr Andrea Phillips, Bath
Professor Vicky Goh, London
Professor Stuart Taylor, London
Dr Andrew Lowe, Taunton
Dr Raneem Albazaz, Leeds
Dr Ian Zealley, Dundee, ex officio as BSGAR President

The first meeting of the board will be shortly. We will keep you informed of progress through the members forum so please opt in (via your membership account) to receive these messages if you don’t do so already.

The Halligan BSGAR/RCR Travelling Professor 2024-2026

Please click here to view details and application form for the 2024-2026 Travelling Professorship.

The Need for Diversity in Radiology - A lecture by Prof Judy Yee

Please click on the image to visit BSGAR's diversity, equity and inclusion page and watch again Prof Judy Yee's lecture on 'The Need for Diversity in Radiology'.  This was the Richard Farrow Memorial lecture given at the BSGAR 2022 Annual meeting.  The video is viewable to all and is a showcase.

BSGAR Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Please click here to view BSGAR's Diversity Statement and results of the recent Diversity Survey.

Please click here to view BSGAR's Diversity and equity article published in Clinical Radiology.


If you need to get in touch about membership or anything on the website, please contact the BSGAR Administrator: [email protected]

Annual Meeting
An Online Event
6th to 7th February 2025
Members Forum
Leeds Post CCT Fellow opportunities for 2025 RE: NICE guideline NG50 Cirrhosis in over 16s
Posted by
Dr Damian Tolan
© Copyright 2024 BSGAR
Registered Charity Number: 1208678
Registered Address: The British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology,
The Royal College of Radiologists, 63 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3JW